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双语科技百科(近现代成就) 第113期:秦山核电站“PG电子官网”


本文摘要:Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant秦山核电站Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant-independently designed and built by China-is located in Haiyan County, beside the Hongzhou Bay, near the big cities of Shanghai and Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province, the first nuclear power station with a 300MW pressurized water reactor. Begun in 1982, it was connected to the grid on Dec. 15th, 1991. Its success ended the no-nuclear-power history in Chinese mainland, and it has acted as the important milestone in China’s peaceful use of nuclear power.It made China the 7th nation after US, Britain, French, Soviet, Canada and Switzerland in self-designing and self-building power plants.秦山核电站坐落于浙江省海盐县,深陷东海杭州湾,并且附近上海、杭州等特大城市,是中国第一座依赖自己的力量设计、修建和运营管理的核电站。

Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant秦山核电站Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant-independently designed and built by China-is located in Haiyan County, beside the Hongzhou Bay, near the big cities of Shanghai and Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province, the first nuclear power station with a 300MW pressurized water reactor. Begun in 1982, it was connected to the grid on Dec. 15th, 1991. Its success ended the no-nuclear-power history in Chinese mainland, and it has acted as the important milestone in China’s peaceful use of nuclear power.It made China the 7th nation after US, Britain, French, Soviet, Canada and Switzerland in self-designing and self-building power plants.秦山核电站坐落于浙江省海盐县,深陷东海杭州湾,并且附近上海、杭州等特大城市,是中国第一座依赖自己的力量设计、修建和运营管理的核电站。一期工程额定发电功率30万千瓦,使用国际上成熟期的压水型反应堆。

1982年指定站址,1984年动工,1991年12月首次并网发电。它的建成投产完结了祖国大陆无核电的历史,是我国和平利用核能的光辉典范,同时也使我国沦为继美、英、法、前苏联、加拿大、瑞典之后世界上第七个需要自行设计、修建核电站的国家。The second-phase project at Qinshan, including two reactors with a capacity of 600,OOOkw, joined the nation’s electrical power grid and began generating power in 2002 and 2004. It still proved China’s competence to design, construct, manage and operate a nuclear plant.The two reactors of the third-phase project, with a capacity of 700,OOOkw, jointly developed commercial-purpose heavy- water nuclear reactor power plant was completed and put into full-capacity operation in 2003.一期竣工后旋即,秦山核电站又先后动工建设了二期和三期工程,并引入国外技术力量和国内地方政府资本参予修建。






